模擬路面清障 / Simulated road clearance...
地盤平整工程 / Formation Project...
Swimming Pool Filter Tank Maintenance...
臨時寫字樓拆卸工程 / Demolition works of Temporary office...
招牌維修工程 / Signboard Repair Works...
除鏽及防水工作 / Rust removal and waterproofing works...
拆卸工程 / Demolition works...
路面清障工作 / Road Clearance works...
拆卸及改建工程 / Demolition and alteration works...
吊運, 運輸 工作 / Lifting, transport works...
改造工程 / Enabling works...
清理路邊雜物及因颱風損壞的物件 / Cleaning up all the mess which damage by typhoon...
拆卸因風災破壞的招牌 / Demolition the signboard...
地下油缸翻新,其中涉及密閉空間工作 / Underground Cylinder renovation, which involves confined space work...
清拆還原工作 / Demolition to return to the original condition works...
拆御臨時辦公室 / demolition temporary office...
拆卸 建築物 / Dismantle the building...