The Spice Lounge

核心價值 / Core values

Our core values form the foundation of our success which is including:

  • 全心全意 和諧共勉
      Heart and Harmony
  • 樂觀積極 優質承諾
      Can-do attitude and Commitment to quality
  • 具商業競爭力
      Be commercially competitive
  • 提供安全及健康的工作環境
      Provide a safe and healthy workplace
  • 廉潔正直及行事公平
      Act with integrity and fairness

鞏固了公司的核心價值觀,概括了所有員工應該具有的道德行為標準,同時為我們工作的各項決策提供了清晰的框架。 我們堅持樂觀積極的態度,堅守誠實廉正的信念,並矢志以優質服務,贏取各方的尊重。
Reinforces our values, it outlines the standards of ethical behavior expected of all employees and gives us a clear framework for making decisions in all aspects of our work. We uphold a can-do attitude with integrity and are committed to delivering quality that will earn the respect.